If you are an incoming graduate student interested in theoretical chemistry, here is a list of suggested courses that you might want to take in your first-year graduate study:
Fall semester
Core courses:
CHEM6676 Physical Chemistry Principles and Applications (Foundations of quantum mechanics for physical chemists)
CHEM5537 Mechanistic Organic Chemistry (Physical organic chemistry – Thermodynamics, kinetics, bonding, etc.)
CHEM5579 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (Equilibrium statistical mechanics for chemists)
Elective courses (Do not take more than two courses):
PHYS8761 Solid-State Physics I (Foundations for computational materials chemistry and catalysis)
PHYS7711 Classical Mechanics (Foundations for statistical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and molecular dynamics)
PHYS7835 Mathematical Physics I (A great course if you are interested in electronic-structure theory development)
CHEM5521 Introduction to Machine Learning with Applications to Chemistry (A joint course offered by the CS department)
Spring semester
Core courses:
CHEM6612 Scientific Communication in Chemistry (How to write a paper, write a research proposal, and do a presentation.)
PHYS7721 Statistical Physics I (From classical/quantum properties of individual particles to collective thermodynamics)
PHYS7742 Quantum Mechanics II (Fundamental theories for light-matter interaction and heavy-element chemistry)
Elective courses (Do not take more than one course):
PHYS8762 Solid-State Physics II (Foundations for solid-state theory development)
PHYS4300 Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing (How to implement your equations in practical computer algorithms)